
  • Eternal Life

    The Four-ad set answers questions about Jesus’ gift of eternal life. Each ad comes with a landing page and Instant Experience assets.

  • Unconditional Love Testimony

    This simple testimony ad is in a “Before God” / “After God” format and invites people to watch the whole story as an instant experience.  The videos are in Mandarin and are subtitled with traditional characters.

  • Personal Value

    Here is a collection of two ads featuring LUMO videos. The ads lead people to find value and worth. The ad set includes assets to be used on landing pages.

  • Prayer Set

    This prayer campaign consist of 4 ads beginning with landing page traffic and ending with a messaging ad.  It highlights the power of prayer to change our lives.

  • Easter

    Jesus is alive! This 3-ad set walks through the meaning of Easter as a part of God’s great plan. Landing page and Instant Experience assets included.

  • Felt Needs

    This set of 11 ads addresses the felt needs we all have, including love, security, and purpose as characteristics of Jesus.  Includes assets for landing pages or instant experiences.

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