
  • Finding Community

    Finding Community is a collection of three ads with a messaging objective. People often feel like they are alone in their search for faith, in their new-found beliefs, and specifically when they are outside their natural context. These ads invite people into a community of Jesus followers. This campaign was specifically designed to reach displaced people groups by running ads in minority languages, but it can also be helpful in connecting seekers and believers within a majority population.

  • Purpose for Life

    Here is a one-set ad about people finding purpose in life when life feels uncertain and lost. 

  • Worth

    A four-ad set featuring LUMO or Jesus Film that highlights that Jesus’ love for us is not based on who we are or what we have but based on his goodness toward us.

  • Personal Value

    Here is a collection of two ads featuring LUMO videos. The ads lead people to find value and worth. The ad set includes assets to be used on landing pages.

  • Acceptance

    Here is a collection of four ads featuring LUMO videos.  The ads lead people to find true acceptance in Jesus Christ. The ad set includes assets to be used on landing pages.

  • Heavenly Father

    Two Father’s Day ads about our Heavenly Father. Landing page and Instant Experience assets included.

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