
  • Christmas

    Here is a collection of four ads featuring LUMO videos. The ads invite the view to learn the true story of Jesus using clips from both John and Luke. The ad set includes assets to be used on landing pages.

  • Messaging

    Here is a collection of nine ads designed as conversation starters. The cover various topics such as truth, forgiving others, God and emotions, worry freedom and other spiritual topics. The ad set includes assets to drive traffic direct to Messenger.

  • Variety

    This set contains a variety of messaging ads to help your team start conversations with seekers. Topics include Prayer, Purpose, and Jesus’s Power, with Lumo video clips for each.

  • Ramadan

    A set of four messaging ads focused on fasting and praying during Ramadan. 

  • Why Jesus

    This a simple messaging ad answering a simple question, “Why Jesus?”  This ad was developed for a South Asian team to help respond to a common question, “Why should a person trust Jesus above all these other gods?”

  • Prayer

    We recommend this simple messaging ad as a first ad to all teams. It is a great way to reach out to your people group through prayer and a great way to get a pulse on what people are dealing with in your context.

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